
How hard is it for people to understand what's going on around them? What about one of our 5 known senses? Hearing? What about that? What is wrong with hearing someone and then on top of that, actually listening and understanding the other person's position? Why is arrogance still so accepted in today's society? Why can't we just "get along"? Agree to disagree? Emotions always get involved for some reason though. I mean, I, of all people know that emotions do get involved in disagreements. There are also people who know that they are "losing" an argument because they don't have enough factual information to prove the point that they are trying to make, and take out their frustration by making a known personal attack on the person that they are arguing with just to shut them up and say, "Oh well I hit you where it hurt, so I win". It's not about winning or losing. Disagreements don't have to be arguments. Disagreements can just be about two people having a difference in opinion with valid resources to support such statements, but both would just rather lean towards one side than another. I wish all could be like this. But some, are not. Some know they aren't and don't want to change it. Others don't know that they are like this and don't have the opportunity to change. So I leave with a word of advice. Or a very long sentence, per say. Let disagreements happen. They're going to happen anyway, so why worry about it? Why stress about making your point when you know the person your fighting against won't open his mind enough to see other possibilities? What is so important to prove your point to someone who doesn't really give a "rats ass" either way? Leave it alone. Fight the fights that are worth fighting. Be open to others positions no matter how "narrow-minded" they might seem, and realize that you can believe how you believe and feel good about being more receptive. Consider the source. Be content with your knowledge and learn more to support it.
I agree, though my main concern is that value many people place on being in control or having the power in a situation. This obsession over control, ownership, can override any rational thinking. When an argument does reach the point of using personal attacks, the debate is over and a power struggle begins. Of course there more emotion involved as it falls on more primal instincts like self defense. It's awful seeing people of political power displaying this sort of thinking or response with gleaming pride.
I suppose the only way we can learn to agree to disagree is to accept that giving up one kind of control gives you ownership over something else even better. Recognizing what that is may be the greatest challenge.
Right on! The biggest problem this civilization faces is the resistance against evolving beyond the primal instincts. We who listen will learn. No one learns anything while they are talking. The silent watchers are the wisest.
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