Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year

Hope it's better for me than last year. We always say that and make resolutions that most never keep. Mine is to be healthy, emotionally and physically. I will make a strong effort to do such. I will cut myself some slack if I am too tired or stressed out. I will pamper myself in tough times that I will go through this year. It's inevitable. We may not want to admit that we'll have bad times, but it happens, and it'll happen this year too. I want to wish myself a very happy and prosperous new year, and for me to be able to handle whatever comes my way, good or bad. This is all I wish, and for my family to do the same as well.

Make your new years resolutions with thought. Don't wish something by using "always" or "never" in the sentence. Instead, put "I will try". We can always do that. If we try less than other days, we are not lying to ourselves. We tried as good as we could that day. If it is to lose weight, be happier, write or play more, drink more water, or what have you, it is important to be good to yourself. Never forget that.

As I told a person who was beating himself up over something ridiculous, "If you treated people you know like that, you wouldn't have any friends". Once I said that, he thought about it, and realized that he would never treat a friend the way he is treating himself. So needless to say, he is more forgiving of himself and hopefully it will stay that way. Be happy when you can. If you're sad, be forgiving of yourself. Your feelings are valid, but don't be depressed over feeling sad. Emotions on top of emotions is just plain tiring. Happy New Year all. I'll try my best to make it that way.


At 6:07 PM , Blogger MOMQUOTE said...

Good advice and well said. "Live Long and Prosper!"


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