Sunday, June 22, 2008

I give up

with the whole clerical thing. I got fired again on Friday because she said I wasn't a good fit. Well screw that. It seems that either employers either love me or hate me. It's never in between. I'm glad my social life isn't like that.

I am currently seeking new jobs. I want to do something that doesn't require me sitting on my ass all day. It's just tiring and I get stir-crazy trying to figure out things to do. Clerical work is boring. I've decided to give up on that and try something else. What? I have no idea. I'll search trying to find a job that will get me through until I can get my Bachelors in Psychology. After that, on to my Masters degree.

We'll see what the future holds for me. I am very intelligent and that job was not utilizing my brain skills at all. So on to something else.


At 3:01 PM , Blogger MOMQUOTE said...

Lessons learned the hard way stick with you. Onward and upward. Don't look back. You are smart.


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