Unidentified Flying Objects.

What does it mean when you see something out of the ordinary in the sky? I tried to rationalize it and say that it was just a plane or some satellite. But then I realized that satellites are higher up than that and a plane was flying by. This object was just levitating, fading in and out, and the clouds were forming to this object. I don't know what it was, but it was definitely something I couldn't identify. Ki Sun saw two before that just faded in and out. The one that I saw, disappeared and appeared somewhere completely different. Now I ask you, how do you expain that? It was of a gold color originally, changing from white to blue to a slight tint of red. It moved toward me, as to say that it was moving above me and I couldn't distinguish clearly the shape or the form. All I know from looking at this object is that the top was a some sort of circular shape. I also, from the advice of Sarah, noted the time (7pm) conditions (partly cloudy and dark) and the weather (68 degrees). And when I see it again, maybe I can form some kind of pattern as to when these things arrive in our neck of the woods. I wonder what that was. I wonder if it was anything! I'm sure it could have been seen on sattelite or something. It must have been. I saw something like this when I was 12 years old and was never able to explain it. Now that I see the same thing now, I start to want to know more about it. Hopefully I can figure out more as time progresses.
Sounds like you are a very good observer. Very complete discription. I saw one when I was young but no one believed me. Haven't seen anything since but I know they are there.
How did you know I was an ND fan??! You must be psychic! I think you get it from your alien friends! I think you had some connection with what I saw that night and it's just a conspiracy to make me wonder what I actually saw! Yeah, I know that's what you're up to. Yeah, that's it!
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