Sunday, January 06, 2008

How is the new year so far?

Tell me your thoughts. Any thing interesting? Incredibly exciting? Keeping those new years resolutions that we so faithfully make over the new year? Most of us forget, which is why I thought I would take the time to remind you all that it is important for well being of self to keep these promises we make to ourselves, by not using the words "never" and "always" when making such promises.

Lose weight? Really? How is that going? For me, I still need to be more forgiving of myself and my hypothyroidism. Nothing's perfect, and I know my body certainly isn't that way. You want to eat healthy but not necessarily feel restricted. It's very hard. Don't eat stuff you don't like. Eat stuff you like, but maybe a healthier version. Okay, now I'm starting to sound like one of those infomercials, and I apologize to those who constantly stay up till 3 a.m. trying to find something to watch. I'd prefer when people read this when they're awake and not want to fall asleep reading my words.

So in conclusion to my ramblings, I am home on a Sunday afternoon watching my favorite series "Bones" that I received for Christmas from Larry. I thought I would share my "cheerful" nature with whoever is willing to listen. Even though none of this summarizes what was previously said, it still is important to relax whenever possible, and be okay with doing nothing at all. A day is not wasted if it is not taken in haste.

My important words of the day (snickering in the background, haha) are to enjoy living. Enjoy life as much as possible because it is the only one we have. Take care of your body because it is all you have to sustain you in this world. We can say and do so much, however if our body can't sustain us, we are immobile. Think of all those people who wish they could walk. Those who can, thank yourself, and do what you can to sustain that privilege.


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