Thursday, May 04, 2006

Days of Summer

As the summer days approach, I notice more people walking around in shorts, more smiles on people's faces, and a public full of great tans.

I notice that there is certain types of music that some like to listen to in different times of the season. For me, I don't have a rhythm of any specific type. For some though, the soft rock, ballads, classical, and new age music seem to be played more in the winter than in the summer. In the summer, more people roll down their windows and blast hard rock, rap, or upbeat music. It's almost like seasonal mood setting.

Music can make or break our feelings. It influences our mind. Even though we may be in a certain mood, good or bad, music has such an effect on how we respond to ourselves and others around us.

For instance: when a person (lets use me for example) is in the car listening to hard rock versus classical music, she gets more anxious and builds up more tension than if she listens to something smooth and peaceful such as classical, or new age music. I've noticed that on several occasions. Usually when I'm anxious about idiot drivers, I turn it on the classical station, and I notice myself becoming this calm person in rush hour traffic. I notice how my mind calms down and how I am at peace with everything around me. I am not, at that point, worried about situational things. I let it go and radically accept that moment. Of course, I choose to radically accept it, but the music helps send me in that direction.

Music and the weather are intertwined in how it affects our mind and body. Almost everyone I know is in a better mood when the sun is shining and pepple are walking by than when it is raining. Unless of course, it's a weather change that hasn't happened in the area.

It hailed here about a month ago, and everyone that I worked with got so excited! They acted as if it never hailed in that area for 10 years. Snow seems to be no big thing. But the reaction that I gathered from people when it hailed seemed to be dramatically different than I was initially expecting. So there are exceptions to every rule.

Our main goal needs to be to make ourselves. Make our decisions, and not let external circumstances affect our mood in a negative way. Use every possible situation and look at the positive aspects. I of all people know how hard it is to do this. It is easier said than done, my friends. However, it is very possible. Rain cleanses the earth. Music cleanses our souls, depending on what type, of course. Picking the right music for every moment in our lives is essential for us to get the power we need to proceed to function to the best of our abilities in this crazy world we live in.

Lets self soothe when we need to. It is important for us to take care of ourselves. It's important to look at our life and look at ourselves and know that we are worth the time and effort. Lets not expect others to fill those voids for us. We have the ability to do this ourselves. We should utilize this and experience the life we have to the fullest extent. This comes by being open minded, accepting the things we cannot change, and changing the things that we can.

I was told this by someone I used to know: If you can fix it, don't worry about it. If you can't fix it, don't worry about it."

This is a saying I use when the world seems too hard to handle. It's not. It's simple. We just need to find the shortcut.


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