For the LOVE of Spiders!

Sarah, this post is JUST FOR YOU!!:
As soon as I moved here, I have noticed many different kinds of spiders, mostly poisonous, and odd bugs that look like spiders, but have the capacity to jump. Roaches here can be about 3 inches long and really thick, or just really tiny like a baby beetle. Too many bugs to count. However, we do occasionally get these really big spiders (Daddy long legs). The legs are just really big, but these creatures have the teeniest heads or bodies, or whatever you call it. I am anxious to move into an apartment that has less of a bug problem. I've noticed that since being here, there are seasonal bugs. The millipedes come in the summer along with all the squaky bugs and crickets. The winter bugs are beetles and spiders. Oh yes, and roaches appear all year round. So as you can see, I've had my fair share of bugs in these parts. It will be nice to take a vacation from the bug life! I've become numb to bugs in general I think, however, I will still jump at the glance of a big roach. They move fast and when you smash them, they are so big that you hate to even touch them. Yes I know. I should stop now. So I will do you all the favor of speaking no more about it. I just do like Garfield does and smash them all with a newspaper, or a shoe. No spider can get away from a massive beating with a "Happy Holidays" greeting in my book. A good spider is a dead spider. Just for you sis!!
Aw schucks. Aren't you sweet?!
Spiders wouldn't be so bad if they weren't always stalking me and plotting my demise.
Brings back not so fond memories of my childhook growing up in the south. Critters everywhere. They like that steamy jungle weather.
May the New Year bring you health, confidence, success, results beyond
costs and happiness beyond success.
May God guide you and give you all you wish for.
Thanx Niki, you too!
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