Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Finally, A Promotion!

Well, I have returned to Papa Johns to work temporarily until I can get certified in my field, and I was informed that I would be promoted! It's exciting, simply for the fact that I know how to do the job well, and I will be getting a lot more for it here than I ever did in Oregon. So I am relieved, finally. I can breathe in and out and not worry about money. It will be so nice. For the time being, I have a job that can be stressful for some, but is the type of stress that I can handle quite easily. We'll see where life leads me later in the year, but for now, I am content. Take a big sigh of relief, breathe in and out, and close your eyes, for your worries will float away, and you will be at peace with yourself and your surroundings. I'll do that tonight. Happy New Year. Happy New Year indeed!


At 9:44 AM , Blogger kevinfreitas said...

I hope this works out well for you. It's nice to earn a little more to help that day-to-day comfort level with things like bills and groceries.

It was great to see you over the holidays -- we'll have to do it again when you're not feeling under the weather!


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