These are the times when you can smell in the fresh hospital air (urine, bowel, natural smell of people who haven't bathed in a week) and think to yourself; Boy I'm glad that I don't think about it on a regular basis. I look out the window at the nice cloudy day that is before me and I'm thinking about how cool and calm it is outside. The rain showers falling across my face as I walk out to the bus and the wind gusts as the buses go by. These slow days also give me a chance to put things into perspective: like be a perfectionist when it comes to my work and not everything is worth fretting over. I will be okay. The simple things in life is what I miss thinking about and in these slow times, when I rarely have the opportunity to enjoy them, I think about the weather, the birds chirping, all that cheerful crap. I also think about how I am going to set up the rest of my day. How am I going to act or react? I am in control of my day even though there are things that are outside of my control. I can still control my actions to the catalyst, so we call them. BTW, if you are ever in the mood for candy, try chocolate covered ginger. It is the best! Well, that is, if ginger is your thing. Come on! Take a chance! It's the season to be joyful and to try out something new that you've never tried before! I see you scoffing and rolling your eyes at me. It's true. Just trust me:-). How has your day been?
IT is the bomb! You won't regret it!
Just a small piece, thank you. The picture sure does remind me of Oliver. Has to be a boy cat thing, lying on the back like road kill. Brodie does it all the time.
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