Tuesday, July 05, 2005

First Day Jitters

Orientation day! Exciting! If anyone has ever been through this (Mom, I'm talking to you), then you couldn't possibly understand how untrue that statement is. It's as if someone came in that room and put a spell on it so that almost everything that went wrong did. First of all, I didn't get the packet in the mail that I was supposed to along with about 30 other people. So we spent about an hour and a half filling out useless forms to hand in. When we finally got into the room, they displayed the map on the overhead, making it clear how to exit if a fire drill happened, putting emphasis that this rarely EVER happens, and probably won't. By the time 9:00 a.m. hit and a guest speaker was supposed to show up, there was a no show. Then the NEXT guest speaker was about 20 minutes late pushing the orientation time back further, and the Infection Control speaker's power point wasn't working. So we had to wait another 10 minutes for her to start that. Now to add icing on the cake to this very unfulfilling organizational skills evil twin day, lightning must have struck to make this thing that "rarely ever happens" happen. The fire drill goes off. So to top it off, we were standing out in the 95 degree humid heat for the last 30 minutes of orientation. I'm suprised I didn't get a sunburn from standing out there as long as I did. I got quickly exposed to a red ant hill that I was standing pretty close to as well. Red ants. Gotta love em :Þ. I quickly went inside, handed in my "evaluation" of the orientation, and split the building.

So folks, this wraps up my first official day of work. Hope tomorrow sings a different tune for me. Perhaps one where the notes correlate more with how to organize an orientation and how to present the information in a timely fashion.


At 10:01 PM , Blogger MOMQUOTE said...

Poor Baby! Sounds like the wicked witch of the East knocked the hell out of the place. I'm sure that is not the usual outcome. I hope you got a big sweet donut out of the whole mess.


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