Wednesday, July 06, 2005

10 hour day today!

For all of you who are wondering, I had my first actual day working and not sitting down! It was exciting because the first patient I observed was so interesting that there were three techs in the room trying to figure it out. I couldn't tell which vessel was what because this patient's anatomy was so confusing! But none the less, the three techs figured it out, and I got to observe it! I was shown around the entire hospital. This hospital is like a mall it's so huge! I learned about the computer system, started scanning on the machines, and almost got to witness an actual surgery!!! That was the most exciting thing! I know it's silly to be excited about ALMOST seeing a surgery and not actually seeing it, but it excites me that I was so close to seeing one on my first day there. I'm sure that's more than some externs got to do on their first day. I stayed 2 hours later than I was supposed to waiting, but it was worth it because I had more time to learn about the computer systems there. Hope tomorrow goes just as well:-)


At 10:45 PM , Blogger MOMQUOTE said...

Good start. Hope every day is as fun.


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