Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Learning The Ropes

Well I am happy to say that I am definitely earning a little independence in my current working environment. I now know how to put in orders for in patients to come down and go back to their rooms, I know how to use the computer system to write out preliminary reports, and I also know how to check up on patient transportation back to their room. I learned how to partially use the ultrasound machines to do the studies also. All in all, I am very excited and happy when I come home instead of tired and fatigued. Don't get me wrong, I'm still tired and fatigued, but I'm excited due to a majority of my brain cells getting used throughout the day instead of getting discarded due to previous jobs.

Breakfasts seem to be my most difficult challenge. I went to work without having breakfast for 2 days and by the time 2 o'clock hit, I was completely utterly starving and ready to pass out and go to sleep. So yesterday morning, I decided to eat a bowl of cereal at 6 a.m. in the morning which lasted about as well as not eating anything at all did in the morning. By the time 2 p.m. hit, I was, yet again, completely starving. Finally, I think I found the correct combination. I end up having a small breakfast burrito in the morning with 2 cups of coffee to sustain me until 2 p.m.. Then once that is accomplished, I have a small bowl of ramen, or a salad and a baked potato at Wendys, OR a frozen Lean Cuisine for lunch to hold me over until dinner. When 6pm hits, I'm not hungry because of my handy water bottle that I sip on throughout the day. That helps a lot. So I just eat to sustain myself until I head to sleep. Then the cycle starts over again. I never thought that eating regularly would kick in now all of a sudden. In previous jobs, I would forget to eat and go until 2 p.m. and not even notice that food has not entered my stomach since the previous night. It may be all the thinking that I have to do all day PLUS the running around trying to get transportation down for patients that's making me hungrier. Any thoughts on the subject would be helpful! I never thought that this would be the hardest thing for me to learn, but that has proven to be the case.

I am looking forward to scanning patients for the first time by the end of the week. I will keep y'all posted when that happens. Chow!


At 11:42 PM , Blogger MOMQUOTE said...

Can't believe you haven't figured this out yet. You are digesting muscle if you don't eat breakfast. Eat protein for breakfast and some complex carbohydrates. The burrito fits the need. Juice gives you quick energy but milk gives you longer endurance. Your brain needs glucose to work. So, you need to carry granola bars or any kind of fruit and nut cereal bar for a snack at noon. Two o'clock is too late for you to refuel. Feed your body and brain and they will serve you well.

At 7:44 AM , Blogger Annita said...

The problem is that it doesnt' get slow enough for me to eat until that time so I kinda have to make do until 2pm since I don't have a "scheduled" lunch break. I actually observed 10 patients yesterday! Busy day! It was fun


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