The crazy shoppers are all out, the insane door buster sales are bursting out into the season, and we're all expected to shop 'till we drop! Well, it's the most hyped up commercialized holiday ever celebrated by the American people. Do us poor college students out there spend a single dime of the expected amount we're supposed to spend? We'd like to, but in all reality, it's not too feasible, unless you are surviving on loans, such as I am. And of course, you can't forget your trusty credit cards to get you by in this tough time around the holidays, while trying to manage your every day finances. Everyone knows the drill. Get a lot of presents for people, see their smiling faces, and then you feel as though you've done your deed for the year! Few of us remember what these times are all about; Family. Spending time with loved ones is what Christmas is about. Showing your family that you love them without a superficial gift; with the gift of appreciation, hope, love, and giving. Lets all try to celebrate that for a change, instead of making everything about shopping.
Make me a hot cup of cocoa and I'll feel loved.
Will do!
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