Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Weather Crazy Slow Day

Today has been a really slow day for me mentally, and just in general. There really hasn't been that many patients today and the ones that we did have, my mental capacity wasn't up to par with the clinical questions that I was being asked for educational purposes. I'm sure there will be many of those days where I'm thinking, "Well, I knew that yesterday, but today, I can't put my finger on what the heck will answer that question". That's pretty much how I felt today about hemodynamic stuff. I'm sure I'll just come around. After all, I'll be having to take tests here on this stuff in about 4 months.

In other "news", weather here is far from consistent in the summer. It can be sunny and 104 in the morning/afternoon, and towards the evening, it can start raining, thundering, and lighning. I just don't get it. The rain feels like warm shower rain. Sometimes it'll be really scattered warm, other times, it'll just feel like a boulder is hitting you. But on the brighter side, atleast I'm not nearly as cold. I've always preferred the warmer weather:-). I guess I'll get used to it one of these times. The little things I miss from the west coast are soda fountains in grocery stores, and Carl's Jr. Here, it's all bottled drinks and Hardees. But I can overlook that because of the restaurant/food variety that is in this location. Just a couple of nit picky things I noticed that I chose to gripe about to all of you. Other than that, I'm just trying to look for things to do in my last 30 minutes of work. I think I'll leave on time today because it's been so slow today. Maybe take that time to relax some before I head to bed:-). Tomorrow is another early day!


At 8:29 PM , Blogger MOMQUOTE said...

Sounds like the lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer are catching up with you. Hey, that was a song once upon a time. We are having hot days here too. But, not the warm rain and thunder storms like there. It gets pretty windy here in the evenings. Drink something cold. That will perk you up.

At 12:24 PM , Blogger Mrowr said...

Hey lover I miss you, I need to come visit no? Sounds busy and fun over there I am just hanging around before work and felt shameless I hadn't read your website so slap me on the hand next time you see me. I dig the hazy days I get like that too, you're just like huh what? What are you saying to me WHO'S TALKING! lol Give me a ring this weekend or the other way around I will have it off WEEEE! Love ya bunches of grapes. Stephie

At 12:50 PM , Blogger Annita said...

Yes Stephie, I am very ashamed and disappointed with you for not reading my website at all:-(. I feel so BETRAYED! I don't think I can POSSIBLY forgive you. So yeah, feel free to call me over the weekend. I shouldn't have too much going on seeing as how I just payed bills with my whole paycheck:-p. Toodaloo!


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