Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Sunny Stormy Days of Summer

I'm getting very used to the weather here, of not having any consistency and not knowing what to expect. In other words, I'm getting used to not knowing anything about what the weather will be like for the following day. One day the weather can say "rain" and it'll turn up sunny. It took some adjusting at first, but I think I've gotten the hang of it:-). Besides, I like the warm rain! It's pretty cloudy and humid right now. The warm rain reminds me a lot of the tropical weather in Hawaii. Reminiscing is nice sometimes. Reminds me of the good old days when things were a whole lot simpler. The only "money problems" we had to worry about as kids is if we had a quarter for the gumball machine, and if we had a dollar to play our favorite game at the arcade. Exercising just for the fun of it, instead of having some other motive in mind were the days of being a child, and not worrying ourselves with such things. I'm trying to get that back, so I am walking more because it makes me feel better. Sure, there are health benefits, but the mood booster makes it all worth while. I'm planning to enjoy the rest of the day and all the sporatic weather that comes my way.


At 11:16 PM , Blogger MOMQUOTE said...

The weather there certainly reminds me of where I grew up. Weather was hard to predict because it came from so many directions. It can sap your energy too. Makes you feel tired and lazy.

At 7:46 AM , Blogger Annita said...

Don't I know it!


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