V for Vendetta
What happens when we are completely run by fear? What happens when us as humans manipulate the public to be afraid of our government? To let go of that fear is to know how to live life. So many things are done in the name of protection of civilization. What are they protecting us from? What if we aren't as noble as we think we are?
What our country has become is a shadow of it's former self. Our country was built on found principles, but these "principles" have been abandoned. We distort the meaning, and make America believe that the way we distorted them is the right way to do things. Brainwashing seems to go a long way. What do we do about it?
There are enough people who are not blind to the fact that this country is no longer the country it was meant to be. Why don't we do something about it?
We feel hopeless because we feel controlled when we don't want to be. We are told to believe something that we don't want to believe, or don't believe. We are being told what to think, we are being told to be afraid of it, and who's to blame for it. And we are blindly being told to TRUST our government, and that they will take care of this fear that they bestowed upon us.
What have they really handled so far? Why do other countries hate us so much? I'm sure we all know the answer to that.
The way to control people is this: The government creates fear and chaos by creating a virus that spreads quickly, getting the cure after people are scared enough to believe anything the government has to say, and thereby getting complete control over the civilization.
What public statement would work? What is the reality that WE want to live? I know I don't want to walk around every day in fear of what might happen. I know that I don't want to fear all the things that the NEWS says that I should fear. There are good things in this world. We should embrace it, not be afraid of it.
Watch this movie. Even though it beats the point to death, it is still a movie worth watching. It is a breath of fresh air to see a movie that expresses the concerns and utter worry that has taken over this country.