Monday, October 31, 2005

A New Post!!!

Per request of my family, I have found it upon myself to write something on my blog in between patients and my very hectic day. 2 people have called in sick, but we have been doing alright so far. I attended an all day symposium for the vascular surgeons last friday. I found some of the material very interesting, and my mind sure got a workout. Some of the topics didn't peak my interest as much as others, but overall, I am very glad that I went to this gathering. I was very impressed! I hope I get to go to fun stuff like that more often!

On to other news, for future reference, I will write a post about our pumpkin carving. Ki Sun made a design and we carved it out! I will post pictures at my earliest convenience.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Happy World?

So how many people in the world do you suppose are oblivious to what's going on in the world? Who is completely aware and has the mood to show for it? How can we enjoy the simple things, when the big things keep getting so much worse? I don't know how to really truly enjoy weekends anymore. I am in such a routine, it seems like weekends go by too quickly. So what am I going to do on a Friday night? Not as much as you think a 24 year old woman might do. No, I won't be staying out late. No I won't go out for dinner and a movie. No, I won't be going over to a friend's house to hang out. Do you have another guess? Well, like other fellow hermits such as myself, I will be at home, having my nose in a book, studying for my test next week, and writing my case study. Sure I'll exercise, just to get it out of the way, so I can say in this day somewhere, that I have done something "fun" and "good for myself", but for overall atmospheric change for the evening, I'd say that has a slim to none chance of succeeding. I'll do my part and keep up with the cleaning, laundry, dishes and so forth. I am feeling a major downer partly due to what's happening in the world. I'm not oblivious to whats going on. I keep up with the news no matter how much it pisses me off. We aren't solving anything. We aren't getting out of this complete and utter mess that we have made for ourselves. And what do we do? Make more problems to put on top of the old problems with the government saying, "No, this very bad idea will fix the other bad idea". It never works! Why must we keep putting ourselves in this situation? Why do they think Americans want to live this way? So for this reason, it's hard for me to concentrate on the simpler things in life; It's hard for me to look the other way when there are problems out there that aren't even being broadcasted. It's very difficult for me to ignore situations such as these and live in my own little world, saying things are just perfect, when they're not. Even in the perfect world, perfection will never come to surface. Granted, I do have a natural hermitt-like nature, and granted, I don't get out much. And honestly, if I did have the chance to get out and do something with a big group, sure I could forget about all this stuff for a little while, but in the long run, it won't amount to much unless these problems are considered, looked at closely, and dealt with in a sophisticated manner. I can guarantee that is not going to happen anytime soon. What a dreary world this has become. My weekend will be as good as I can hope. That's all we have.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Bring it on.

Yesterday, I got off of work early to go see the dentist. Long and behold, the dot that was on my right back molar was in fact, a cavity. I had a feeling it was. I'm very aware of any changes to my teeth. It's so weird. About 9 years ago, I had 3 cavities filled in the same visit. I had not remembered how numb the mouth got after a cavity was filled! I do, however, remember biting myself hard when I had my 3 cavities filled. So, I was really super careful, I didn't eat anything, and I only had liquids for the next 3 hours after my filling. It was very irritating not to be able to feel one side of my face. It was very strange to touch the right side of my jaw and mouth and not be able feel it. So I had a little fun with it and rejoiced when I felt tingling in certain areas. This meant that I was getting feeling back, slowly, but surely. The dentist said it would wear off in 2.5 hours when in fact, it didn't totally wear off until after 3 hours. I was lied to! Oh well. I'll forgive them. I have decided from now on to keep up with my dental appointments, because brushing and flossing doesn't prevent cavities, obviously. Especially when you get one that is in one of those crevices that are very difficult to reach with a toothbrush. I'm happy to say that's over with. *Restful Sigh*

Monday, October 17, 2005

The Holidays Are Approaching

I find it hard to believe that I am actually thinking of Thanksgiving and Christmas this early in the game, but it's hard to ignore when Halloween stuff is already in retail stores, with Christmas stuff correlating with it. It puts a smile on my face to see cute ornaments and decor for the Christmas holiday and for any holiday for that matter. I would have to say that Easter is the one holiday I don't get that excited about because I know that its the last holiday before Halloween comes. I totally lost track of time, and I don't have enough finances to decorate my place up for Halloween. It would only be worth it if we had trick or treaters. I guess I'll find out now won't I! I would like to at least get a nice faux Christmas tree to put me in a little bit of the spirit. I still have yet to figure out what my plans are for Thanksgiving. Can you believe that it's only 2 weeks until November?! Where has the time gone? This year has been one of the quickest ending years of all time, by far. Most likely due to the fact that I moved cross-country this year. Planning and business have their ways of making us unaware of the time passing. It's kind of sad in a way. It makes me feel nastalgic in a way. Perception of time is different for everyone. This year went by really fast for me when it could have gone by super slow for another. Another person might have just wondered when this year was FINALLY going to end, when I'm feeling like I didn't get a chance to experience it as much as I hoped. When a lot of activity is going on for one person in a given year, the time passing is not a factor in thinking. I don't know really how to change this, or how to make our minds think differently to notice enough to have a good sense of relative time. Anyway, it's just something to ponder for me.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Happy Birthday To Me!

Today is the beloved day that I celebrate the day that I was born. I feel old. Well, atleast that's what my body is saying. I'll be eating my words when I turn 40 most likely. My birthday will be celebrated by the receiving of gifts and by the giving to patients. I am at work today and will have to work overtime to make up for the time that I will be off for my dentist appointment tomorrow. I am not looking for a big hoopla for my birthday. I don't even know if I should tell anyone about it at work! I'll be glad when I can go home and relax. That's what I want for my birthday. Gosh, I'm so easy to please! I'll try to ease my mind of all my stresses (easier said than done by the way) and enjoy the rest of the evening. Nothing too fancy. Just peace of mind, and relaxation to put me into the sleeping mood. Maybe some nice quiet music to ease myself into a nice slumber. We'll see when I get off of work. But for now, I shall start work and hope that all is going well for everyone else. Tootaloo!

Thursday, October 06, 2005

"Cold" season already?

It hit me like a ton of bricks yesterday morning when I get up to go to work. My muscles were aching so bad that I had to use my body weight to maneuver myself out of bed. I couldn't take a breath out of my nostrils to save my life. I waddle into the bathroom and realize that even with all the sleep I got the previous night, I still felt like I had only had minimal to no sleep at all. Even though I didn't constantly wake up, I still felt that way. I guess colds just do that to all of us. And perfect timing too....not only do I get a cold, but I get it right before my beloved mother and sister visit me! Oh well. There's not much I can do about that. All I can do is go with the flow and hope that my immune system will fight this off as quickly as possible. I should probably expect to get more readily sick since I am employed at a hospital. My immune system isn't used to all the germs floating around in the air I guess. I ended up taking a bunch of medicine when I returned home yesterday afternoon. Today, I feel a little better. My head feels stuffed, and I can't think very clearly. Smarter people would have stayed home, but I believe that unless I literally can't walk to save my life, and I am nauseated to the point of wanting to vomet air out of me, I will go to work. I am stubborn. I am not too proud to admit that. I will push through until I can push no more. I am looking forward to feeling better soon! Send me your good wishes for future days to be brighter!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Post Weekend

Well, I did find something to do last weekend to update you all who have been keeping up with my blog. Ki Sun and I decided to go to a movie. We saw "Corpse Bride". Very cute movie. We also bought 3 games. One was "Sonic Heroes" which I have played: Not as good as I was expecting. Number two was "Spiderman 2". I haven't had a chance to play that yet. The third game was "X-Men". I have no opinion. Furthermore, we went to Wal-Mart and picked up a board game. We played "Life" on Sunday evening to wind up our fun filled day. I rarely get a whole day to spend with Ki Sun because his job requires that he works weekends on occasion, so I very much appreciated this time. I regrettably did not get to watch any football, but I did look up the scores and was very pleased with my teams results! The Redskins are 3-0 for the season, and hopefully more games will be won in the future. Too-da-loo!

Saturday, October 01, 2005

The Weekend.

How does one have a productive weekend and actually have it feel like a significant amount of time? My weekends don't seem that long, and I think they should feel longer. Can this be accomplished by filling my day up with things to do, or just to do nothing and watch the hours go by? I've tried both in between the extremity of both situations and none have brought me to the conclusion that the weekend would last any longer just because I wanted to somehow alter time to make myself feel as though the weekend time took forever to end. Although I have not the power to alter time, I hope to make the best of my time off by being SOMEWHAT productive, whether that be studying up on information that I'm interested in, or playing my instrument. One would say that relaxing is the most productive thing a person who is bombarded with busy days can do. Getting sleep and rejuvinating oneself is the most productive way to be most responsive in the career that challenges your intelligence to a new level, and forces you to be quick witted, and instinctive. I'm sure that's probably true to some extent. I'm sure that being relaxed after a hard stressful week is easy for a lot of people. For some reason, being relaxed is not easy for me. I always have to be doing something, otherwise, I believe that my day has been completely unproductive, and my happiness in the day is a result from how I occupied myself.

Right now, I am feeling "blah". I don't know any other way to say that, but I'm sure that someone can relate to that feeling. It's the feeling when you don't feel happy, you don't feel sad, sick, content, ill, ordinary, or excited. It's the expression of feeling when you don't know exactly how to express what your feeling. So in response to explaining what you are feeling, the word "blah", a word that has no meaning, is verbalized. I think it explains very well a feeling that has no word associated with it. So to end my rant, I will say this: feel what you feel and know no pressure from the outside world to conform you to define your feelings. Not all feelings have a word associated with it and that's fine. Be yourself. Be one with your feelings. Understand and respect them in all aspects of your life.

P.S. Have a great birthday Darin!