I have finished my second to last class (essentially) and am moving on to History. Fun stuff. I wish for my instructor to grade my literary paper so that I may submit it and be done completely with the class. I am about to watch "Fringe" now to treat myself for being such a good student. Life is learning, as we all know. The only difference is we don't have to write a paper about what we learned. We express it through communication, to those whom are willing to listen. Every day we live is a new learning experience. There is that saying, "you learn something new every day". If we notice how we live our life, there is learning that takes place every time we do something.
For instance, if someone jabs their ankle at work, walks on it for a week, then finally decides to go to a doctor, it is this learning that takes place that tells the person who did not go to the doctor, to perhaps go to the doctor a little sooner. Simple things like that are learning experiences that no matter what age you are, makes a valuable addition to our training. Ahem, Mom.
Anyway, ode to school, ode to learning, ode to life. Good Evening.