Sunday, January 15, 2006

Loud Neighbors

Well as I was taking my needed afternoon nap before work, I wake up to a clanging of some sort and laughing after the clanging had stopped. Confused and disoriented, I staggered up and checked out the window to find a baby playing with one of those loud toys out on my next door neighbors porch. I was grumpy, of course, being woken up by something that sounded like trash cans beating up on one another, so I decided to get a few things at the store. We needed some cereal and eggs, so I decided to walk, not drive, to the "Food Lion" that is right next to our apartment building. When I wake up from a nap, I need something to make me forget about how grumpy I am like working on a task of some sort, and shopping for food seemed to do the trick. I noticed the nice breeze that was in the air as I was walking. I stepped into the store with a big whoosh of heat that hit the top of my head. I had my hair down so it went every which way, but I kind of enjoyed it since it was 48 degrees in the nice winter atmosphere. I got what I needed, and came home. I decided to watch a little football to prepare for the 5 hour work day that is still to come. I'm planning to make the best of it, and enjoy not worrying about stuff that I normally worry about. It took me a while to finally wake up, but I did it! Well lets see what had to happen for this finally to occur. Lets go back step by step and figure this out:

1. I was woken up by a loud clangy noise
2. I staggered myself up off the couch to prepare myself to go to the store
3. I walked to the store in 48 degree weather with wind beating across my face
4. The hot air from the supermarket messed up my hair, but still made me feel sleepy
5. I wandered around the store for 30 minutes trying to remember what my intentions at the
store were.
6. I finally remembered what it was that I was going to get at the store.
7. I went to get what I intended to get at the store, and then some
8. I waited in line half awake in the self check out
9. I was trying to use a gift card that had $1.28 on it that wouldn't go through in the
supermarket's machines
10. After trying 4 times, the cashier finally said that it wouldn't work. I finally understood that
as well. For the longest time, I was baffled as to why the machine didn't want my $1.28.
11. I finally came to understand the fact that things don't work the way I want them to all the
time and I gave her another card to purchase the items (hesitantly, mind you, because I was
still confused).
12. I grabbed my stuff, almost breaking my eggs, so I set this stuff down, attempted to pick it
up successfully, and proceeded out the supermarket exits.
13. I was hit by the hot air again
14. I realized that it was still 48 degrees outside and I now had weight holding me down with
wind blowing across my face and realized that this slowed my pace down
15. Suprisingly, my legs seemed to be able to handle it
16. I was able to make it back the same way that I came
17. I felt stronger. Even though the wind was pushing me, I WOULDN'T LET IT TAKE ME
18. I reached my door with a sense of accomplishment
19. I put the stuff away with accuracy and specificity, and understood a football game!
20. I was able to write about it, which put my sense of awareness at an all time high since I was
able to remember the events as they happened!

So as you can see, there is a long process to waking me up, but when I finally wake up, I am very alert, aware, and on my toes when any situation comes my way! Bring it on!!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Finally, A Promotion!

Well, I have returned to Papa Johns to work temporarily until I can get certified in my field, and I was informed that I would be promoted! It's exciting, simply for the fact that I know how to do the job well, and I will be getting a lot more for it here than I ever did in Oregon. So I am relieved, finally. I can breathe in and out and not worry about money. It will be so nice. For the time being, I have a job that can be stressful for some, but is the type of stress that I can handle quite easily. We'll see where life leads me later in the year, but for now, I am content. Take a big sigh of relief, breathe in and out, and close your eyes, for your worries will float away, and you will be at peace with yourself and your surroundings. I'll do that tonight. Happy New Year. Happy New Year indeed!