It is so hard to hear of a person close to me being hurt in such a way to where I can't offer the least bit of support since I am so far away. Hearing about this and not being able to even speak to her leaves me feeling helpless in a situation where I know a lot of pain is being experienced. It is hurtful, and makes me weep to hear of this person getting treated so horribly.
To the person who is treating a person who is very close to me so badly: I thought you were better than this. I never knew you that well. I didn't try to get to know you well, because there was always something about you that I didn't trust. I lost her completely and now I have a shrivel of hope that I may get her back. I am all the way on the East Coast and feel as though I am disconnected with everyone, and you have the gall to make this person feel so horrible, the person you supposedly loved, and make her feel as if she is the scum of the earth.
How dare you. How dare you try to get sympathy from her friends. How dare you even think of humiliating her in front of other people. How dare you stalk her and make her feel like complete crap. How DARE you embarrass her in public places. How dare you make her feel like less than a human being for trying to find happiness. You were once someone that she loved. You were once someone who she would do anything for. She defended, supported, and embraced you as you were, even at the expense of alienating her family and you didn't support her. She tried talking to you and you wouldn't listen. HOW DARE YOU for walking out of the room when she did something she completely adored. HOW DARE YOU for even thinking of stopping her from doing it. I don't think I'm alone in saying that it is a small person to do such things to another human being. None of this was a surprise to you. You know it, she knows it, and we know it. You try to make it out like you are the victim. You are far from such. As a true friend of mine said, karma will bite you in the ass. I believe things happen for a reason, and all I have to say, is that you will get yours. For the record, you have lost my respect and the respect of some very intelligent people. These are people that you never gave a chance and will never get to know.
Good riddance. To all of those who are involved in this situation, you know who you are. I want to be there, but I feel like I can't do anything. Please know that I'm concerned, and I love you all. I want to help any way that I can. I want to be there. To the person close to me, know that my heart and mind are with you through this stressful and defeating time, and that you have all my support, as well as your support system there. Remember that. Bad things happen to good people. The challenge is to come out better than you went in. I think you have, and congratulations on realizing that, and being as strong as you are to embrace this change. I think I speak for everyone when I say that you are an amazing person, and you deserve to be loved like you love others. You are loved. When you go to sleep tonight, remember that, and fall into a blissful dream.