Friday, July 28, 2006


Weeks just constantly go by so fast that I can't believe 2006 is almost over! This week just flew by like no other week has done.

I wonder if our minds like to play tricks on us, or savor the moment where we don't think of our lives by time and just focus on "the moment". Our sense of time is in our body and our minds. I'm wondering which part of us realize the time change first: Our bodies or our minds. I believe that our minds are just trying to catch up with our bodies. Sometimes we will physically see the results of time, but our mind will inevitably be stunted and still in space somehow.

For this split second, everything has stopped, no time relativity, no movement, no clocks ticking letting us know that our time is running out, or that we will get older, or that work will be finished. Where does the time go?

My current job has me going through the day in what seems to be 30 minutes, when infact, 8 hours has passed. There is consistency in this job, however, I wonder if working faster than I'm used to has any effect on my conception of time. My body knows what time it is: when it's hungry, when it's sleepy, when I need to stretch, and so forth. My brain is just way behind. I am so focused on the moment. I think in some ways, its our brain's way of giving us a break.

We are so obsessed this day in age with time. I know several people who are time addicts. If these people didn't have a clock to refer to, they would go crazy! I would rather just base work days on the environment, that is, if we were allowed to see outside. I think we subconsciously know what time it is in our heads. Have you ever guessed the time with no clock in front of you and you found yourself to be right? I think we have the natural ability to tell time.

We have all had times when we have gotten up with no alarm at the exact time that we were supposed to. I wish I was built that way every day.

Anyway, it's something to think about.

Friday, July 07, 2006

More Than Meets The Eye

Go to : to look at the new trailer! 7/4/07!!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Thunder go boom!

At about 4 a.m. in the morning, I was woken up by a big strobe light and pebbles falling outside my window. I wasn't coherent enough so I kept looking towards my window, and after 2 minutes, I deciphered that a thunderstorm must be going on to make that much clatter. I'm sure my dream didn't manifest itself into real life (??).

I turn the light on and try to wake up Ki Sun, because why should I be the only one losing sleep? His response was, "What, what, what, who, where am I, what's wrong, how are you, I'm Ki Sun!" So I rolled my eyes and told him that I couldn't get to sleep because of the thunderstorm. He said, "Oh" and went back to sleep. What a night.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Lazy Afternoon

Well it is after 4pm here and I am sleepy! After lunch, my brain is just shot. I am so tired, and my belly is so full. My brain usually stops functioning after 1:30 p.m. so the rest of the afternoon, I just smile and nod, as if I understand.

We have guest speakers that talk about different aspects of the health care system with us and I can tell you this: I am so very tired of saying my name and what clinic I'm working in. I feel like telling them, " Ask the last 15 speakers that asked me that same question so that I can save my breath."

What was the most prevalent thing I learned in my training you ask? How to say my name and what clinic I'll be working in with accuracy, clarity, and with an upbeat HAPP HAPP HAPPY attitude!

30 more minutes to go!! Walking in the humidity 2 miles to the bus stop doesn't sound like fun, but I have to keep in the back of my mind, the end result of such ventures on my part: The nice ride home, and my lovely couch to relax on in a nice air conditioned place!

Monday, July 03, 2006

Robots in Disguise

Ki Sun's dream has come true! A full fledged movie about one of his favorite creations. Robots in disguise. Good against evil. Big against bigger. Metal against metal! July 4, 2007!!!

Ki Sun will be relentlessly dragging me by my hair to get us there on time! Most likely we'll be there 2 hours before the movie actually starts! I can picture it now: His rush of adrenaline, his jittery hands getting ready to transform into optimus prime, those eyes; those crazed eyes of excitement and urgency! He will be jumping up and down, and will HAVE to bring 10 of his favorite transformers to the movie! In anticipation of this upcoming event, his dreams will consist of him transforming into robots and him winning against any other robot that gets into his way! I will have to keep him contained because he will be kicking the sheets off the bed and saying, "TRANSFORM!!" in his sleep.

I think he was a transformer in his previous life.

The most anticipated movie for him is finally a reality! I hope they don't disappoint all the hardcore transformer fans out there.

Has a year gone by already?!

It's unbelievable that I moved up here approximately a YEAR ago. It seems like 3 months.

I still remember the posting that I wrote about fourth of july. Most likely we'll do the same thing as "last year".

Just yesterday I was 18, and now I'll be 25 in 3 months! It's crazy! Time goes by too fast.