Thursday, January 31, 2008


Do you have one? I have a sweet tooth right now that I can't get rid of. I may be able to put it off for a few hours until I get off. Until then, I shall wait.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

New Department, w00t!

I'm working in a new department. I am now officially a program coordinator for the accreditation and compliance division at Duke Home care and Hospice. Be happy for me.

Daily Funny

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Garfield Galore!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Up too early

And trying to get myself tired enough to go to sleep! I've been up since 4:30. Why? My internal clock decided to be an ass! I'm very sleepy, however, my body makes me stay awake.

It is 18 degrees outside. Finally it is starting to get cold! It's amazing. Two weeks ago, it was 70 degrees outside. Now the weather decides it wants to be cold. I would rather it be a nice 60 degrees all year 'round. I can only hope for so much. I shall watch TV and fall asleep. Ta ta.

Daily Funny x 3

Saturday, January 19, 2008

It's Snowing!

The first snow of the year. It happened today. It's gloomy and wet! I find myself really tired from working on my homework all day, and sadly unsettled because of the snow. I would feel better if I felt more productive, such as getting out and doing something. I think that my idea of productive is a little skewed. Even though I finished a lot of my homework today, I still don't feel like I'm as productive as I could have been. I need to get out of this apartment, however, the weather suggests that I stay in.

It's always comfy when it snows outside and you have a nice cup of hot cocoa. If I've been in all day, I don't feel like drinking hot cocoa. I want to friggin go out! I'm just tired, and feeling a bit restless at the moment. Not too uncommon if I have been doing my homework for 6 hours so far.

I find that most people are happy because of the snow. I want to be! Don't get me wrong! It's not sticking. If it stuck, I would be the first one out making a snowman. Well, maybe not, but I would enjoy it more. Now I'm just speculating.

Hope everyone is doing well on this 19th day in January. I'm doing fine because I have 2 more days off after today! Yay! Enjoy the day. I'll try.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Daily Funny (I've been slacking)

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Sick and Tired

Literally! I got a cold about 2 days ago and I guzzled down some Nyquil the night before. So of course, I'm tired. I need to get over this cold fast. I hate it! It's January and it got up to 70 degrees yesterday! What's wrong with that picture? That may be why I caught the cold, but that's just speculation.

I shall report to work with a positive attitude even though I feel like crap. Maybe being happy with a cold is better than feeling sad with a cold. I'm tired. I'm going to work now. Adios.

I'm so tired. Laughter helps;)

Sunday, January 06, 2008

How is the new year so far?

Tell me your thoughts. Any thing interesting? Incredibly exciting? Keeping those new years resolutions that we so faithfully make over the new year? Most of us forget, which is why I thought I would take the time to remind you all that it is important for well being of self to keep these promises we make to ourselves, by not using the words "never" and "always" when making such promises.

Lose weight? Really? How is that going? For me, I still need to be more forgiving of myself and my hypothyroidism. Nothing's perfect, and I know my body certainly isn't that way. You want to eat healthy but not necessarily feel restricted. It's very hard. Don't eat stuff you don't like. Eat stuff you like, but maybe a healthier version. Okay, now I'm starting to sound like one of those infomercials, and I apologize to those who constantly stay up till 3 a.m. trying to find something to watch. I'd prefer when people read this when they're awake and not want to fall asleep reading my words.

So in conclusion to my ramblings, I am home on a Sunday afternoon watching my favorite series "Bones" that I received for Christmas from Larry. I thought I would share my "cheerful" nature with whoever is willing to listen. Even though none of this summarizes what was previously said, it still is important to relax whenever possible, and be okay with doing nothing at all. A day is not wasted if it is not taken in haste.

My important words of the day (snickering in the background, haha) are to enjoy living. Enjoy life as much as possible because it is the only one we have. Take care of your body because it is all you have to sustain you in this world. We can say and do so much, however if our body can't sustain us, we are immobile. Think of all those people who wish they could walk. Those who can, thank yourself, and do what you can to sustain that privilege.

Daily Funny x 3

Thursday, January 03, 2008

6 garfields!

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year

Hope it's better for me than last year. We always say that and make resolutions that most never keep. Mine is to be healthy, emotionally and physically. I will make a strong effort to do such. I will cut myself some slack if I am too tired or stressed out. I will pamper myself in tough times that I will go through this year. It's inevitable. We may not want to admit that we'll have bad times, but it happens, and it'll happen this year too. I want to wish myself a very happy and prosperous new year, and for me to be able to handle whatever comes my way, good or bad. This is all I wish, and for my family to do the same as well.

Make your new years resolutions with thought. Don't wish something by using "always" or "never" in the sentence. Instead, put "I will try". We can always do that. If we try less than other days, we are not lying to ourselves. We tried as good as we could that day. If it is to lose weight, be happier, write or play more, drink more water, or what have you, it is important to be good to yourself. Never forget that.

As I told a person who was beating himself up over something ridiculous, "If you treated people you know like that, you wouldn't have any friends". Once I said that, he thought about it, and realized that he would never treat a friend the way he is treating himself. So needless to say, he is more forgiving of himself and hopefully it will stay that way. Be happy when you can. If you're sad, be forgiving of yourself. Your feelings are valid, but don't be depressed over feeling sad. Emotions on top of emotions is just plain tiring. Happy New Year all. I'll try my best to make it that way.