New Years Eve
Tis the time of year for all to get drunk and to have a hangover the next morning. Granted, I won't be one of the group this year, but there are still lots of people who will. I plan to have a nice wine cooler, watch a movie, and watch the ball drop. Nothing too exciting. I have made plans to improve myself and that I shall do. I guess you could call that my "new years resolution", however, if I call it that, I may have the impulse to break that promise, like so many others do. I will just call it, "My plans" so that I may separate it from the new year gibble gabble.
Time does move on and this, ladies and gentelmen, has been one of the fastest years to fly by in my book. I didn't have much time to think about anything too substantial this year. My mind has been on hyper mode, way too busy with the here and now to notice how quickly time goes by. I choose to give every day it's just deserve this year, even though days go by so much faster than when I was little. It would take forever for a day to end when my conception of time was so much newer than it is now. But that is the cost of getting older, I suppose. We must deal with the fact that our conception of time changes, and move on the best way we, as adults, know how. So I wish everyone a prosperous new year, and may more positive changes happen than negative ones. Even if negative changes happen, may these changes not affect the positive spirit that is in each and every one of us. Good things can happen if we allow them to. Tomorrow is another day. Enjoy.