Coming down with something. I have been so tired the past week and a half now. I went to sleep at 6:30 p.m. last night and got approx. 11 hours of sleep last night. That's unheard of for me, and for me to still be tired, is unusual. Something is going on. I had stomach cramps that I attributed to that time of the month, and they are continuing today even though I have medicated it. I can not wait for this week to be over with. I feel so worn out, and could hardly get out of bed this morning.
It is raining here finally. After this 3 week streak of nice 60 degree weather, it has finally cooled off some down do 45. Scattered showers from Sunday through Tuesday is our forecast, with partly cloudy weather in between. Oh yes, and before I forget, I must tell you about the wind we had hare last Sunday February 10th. The wind was so strong on Sunday, it blew down my 1100cc bike. And for those of you who are not motorcycle enthusiasts, that's a pretty big engine to just suddenly tip over. Apparently there were 50-60 mph wind gusts. It tipped over twice!! So now I have to get the front brake handle replaced, and the rear brake peg replaced as well. Fun stuff.
Hopefully I will make it through this week in one piece and imagine five o'clock roll around when I can leave and put my head on my nice fluffy pillow.