Polar Opposites!
The first three days of last week were hectic. The first couple days of this week are slow. I guess I have to start getting used to not knowing what to expect when I set foot in my department on any given day. I guess my job is parallel with the weather. I never will know what to expect until I step outside, or in this case, when I step into my department on any given day. That's the way of the medical world I hear. So many changes. Nothing is ever the same. Different patients, different diseases, constant mental work. Don't get me wrong, I'm not griping. I love being mentally challenged. It's the variety of mentally challenging situations that I lack. I need to expand my mind in a way so that I can keep myself "sharp" mentally in all aspects. I am planning to start the UNC orchestra sometime this month. Hopefully that will diversify my exposure to life here. Maybe Ki Sun and I can meet like minded people to communicate with. This world has so many challenges that most of us don't even begin to think of coming to terms with it, much less conquering the challenges that lie ahead. I think I might start on some of mine.