Football Season
Ever since I was 10 years old, I have liked football. I usually watched it on Sundays with my parents. It was our family time. Monday night football was always at 6 pm at night. Well, since I've moved over on the east coast, football now starts at 9:30 pm! I really can't get adjusted to it that well. Maybe I should start taping the games just so I'm able to watch football on occasion. I really have no excuse for not watching it other than the fact that I don't know what channel it's on, and Monday night football starts too late. Since I start work in the morning and get off in the early evening, and I have the weekends off, I have the perfect schedule to watch football. I just need to adequately find the channels. I usually end up falling asleep in the middle of a football game and wonder what happened with the teams I was watching.
With broadcasting being the way that it is, the producers tend to make a segway into other games in the process of another. Even though the first game hasn't finished, they show another game that is in the process of being played. I don't get that. A football fan such as myself would like to see a game all the way through, instead of beginning to watch a football game in the third quarter after half time is already over. It just doesn't make any sense to me. But, what can ya do? Not much, which is why having cable is a luxury these days. You can order football on demand, that is, if you have the money to support such priviledges. So enough with my ranting. I'll catch some football next weekend, hopefully!