Monday, November 28, 2005

The Season Is Here!!

The crazy shoppers are all out, the insane door buster sales are bursting out into the season, and we're all expected to shop 'till we drop! Well, it's the most hyped up commercialized holiday ever celebrated by the American people. Do us poor college students out there spend a single dime of the expected amount we're supposed to spend? We'd like to, but in all reality, it's not too feasible, unless you are surviving on loans, such as I am. And of course, you can't forget your trusty credit cards to get you by in this tough time around the holidays, while trying to manage your every day finances. Everyone knows the drill. Get a lot of presents for people, see their smiling faces, and then you feel as though you've done your deed for the year! Few of us remember what these times are all about; Family. Spending time with loved ones is what Christmas is about. Showing your family that you love them without a superficial gift; with the gift of appreciation, hope, love, and giving. Lets all try to celebrate that for a change, instead of making everything about shopping.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Four Days Off??

I feel as though I should be working right now. I don't know what to do with myself and all the time I have! I have played my music, read my many books, watched TV, played video games, gone shopping, I mean, what else is there? I guess I could wander aimlessly throguhout the several malls in this area, with no particular goal in mind. That's more fun to do with someone, however. It's so much fun to be random with someone than without someone. Well let me tell you about our yesterday adventures. Not nearly, but I digress. After Ki Sun got off of work, we bought one of those faux trees with the lights already on it and a bunch of other Christmas decor. I decided to partake in packing 3 gifts to send out on Monday, so I bought boxes for them and they are all ready to go out, except for the stamps n' stuff. So that pretty much sums up yesterday evening. It was cold and I don't know why I react so much to cold weather, but I guess I'm just cold intolerant. My ramblings have sadly enough come to an end. Good evening to all! I shall try to find a way to HANDLE being off for one more day:-).

Friday, November 25, 2005

About our Turkey Day!

It was wonderful! We arose out of bed and started to prepare the turkey. We had a few pots and pans and prepared it in one of those medium sized ones and covered it with tin foil and awaited for the meat thermometer to pop up. All in the meanwhile, we were making deviled eggs, making stuffing, preparing the sweet potaters (yes the spelling was intentional), and the cranberry sauce. OF course, I used the canned kind. Oh, it was so delicious. I will try and post pictures ASAP, however our camera got the low batteries and we were too busy to go and get batteries for replacement. We ended up using both of our phones to get the pictures, so somehow I will have to transfer them on my computer to post them. It was a very quaint dinner, however, we still have TONS of leftovers! I still got extremely stuffed, even though I said I wasn't going to. I'm sorry, I always have to have my seconds on the mashed taters! Oh and we musn't forget the 6 deviled eggs that I had. I just can't keep my hands off of them! They tempt me so. Anyway, after dinner was finished, we both did an EXCELLENT job of cleaning up and tidying up the table how it was before. I also got a chance to light my thanksgiving candle for the first time. Thanks Mom! While we were getting ready to watch "Scrooged", I layed down on the couch in my comfortable position, Ki Sun sat in his favorite pull-out chair, and I fell asleep halfway through the movie. Of course, because I had all that turkey! Delicious, BTW. I woke up and we put in "Polar Express" which I would love to buy one of these days. Maybe a good gift idea! "hint hint". Hope all of your thanksgivings turned out as well as mine, surrounded with good thoughts and good memories.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Turkey Day EVE!

'Tis the day before Thanksgiving and all through the house, not an oven was cooking, not even the .....well you get the picture. I am so happy that this day is half way over. I feel like a "glass half full" kinda gal today! I am so excited to bake my FIRST ever turkey and stuffing. I will light the candles, and play a little Christmas music as we eat our feast. I don't think there is a soul on this planet who could ruin my wonderful mood! I'm relieved that I can finally have fun again and be able to enjoy myself! I've missed that so much! "Just Relax" is not a term to use lightly. That is, if the person is a worry wart such as myself. I finally have that holiday feeling back where everyone is happier and more content. It's time to get together with family and friends and catch up on old times, or new beginnings. I'm very thankful for all the love and support I have and hope that they are thankful for the same of me. Merry Turkey Day to all!! Hope tomorrow is a good one for each and every one of you!

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

WOW what a slow day!

These are the times when you can smell in the fresh hospital air (urine, bowel, natural smell of people who haven't bathed in a week) and think to yourself; Boy I'm glad that I don't think about it on a regular basis. I look out the window at the nice cloudy day that is before me and I'm thinking about how cool and calm it is outside. The rain showers falling across my face as I walk out to the bus and the wind gusts as the buses go by. These slow days also give me a chance to put things into perspective: like be a perfectionist when it comes to my work and not everything is worth fretting over. I will be okay. The simple things in life is what I miss thinking about and in these slow times, when I rarely have the opportunity to enjoy them, I think about the weather, the birds chirping, all that cheerful crap. I also think about how I am going to set up the rest of my day. How am I going to act or react? I am in control of my day even though there are things that are outside of my control. I can still control my actions to the catalyst, so we call them. BTW, if you are ever in the mood for candy, try chocolate covered ginger. It is the best! Well, that is, if ginger is your thing. Come on! Take a chance! It's the season to be joyful and to try out something new that you've never tried before! I see you scoffing and rolling your eyes at me. It's true. Just trust me:-). How has your day been?

Monday, November 21, 2005

Thanksgiving preparations.

Last night, Ki Sun and I decided to shop for Thanksgiving food to make a nice dinner of our own. We ended up buying a 3 pound turkey along with the deviled egg condiments, some stuffing, eggs of course, gravy, and bread. The cranberry sauce and the yams were saved from last year. BTW on a side note, the new "Harry Potter" movie is a must see! I saw it on Friday night at 10:50 p.m.:-). We ended up going to the Cary shopping mall and saw that huge place. Ki Sun needed some gift ideas for his parents and found some perfect stores to get knick nacks from for his parents and his sister and nephew. Me, I gittily tagged along and enjoyed the nice overcast. It's been a while since Ki Sun and I have spent one full day together, and boy, did we take advantage of it. We were busy all day long:-). Not the stressful kind of busy, but the fun kind, where you know everyone is in a good mood because of the season and all. All in all, it was very enjoyable. I'm glad, because of how my days have been going as of recently, I needed a day to just relax and be happy. I'm so thankful for that moment of happiness and pure contentment.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Unidentified Flying Objects.

What does it mean when you see something out of the ordinary in the sky? I tried to rationalize it and say that it was just a plane or some satellite. But then I realized that satellites are higher up than that and a plane was flying by. This object was just levitating, fading in and out, and the clouds were forming to this object. I don't know what it was, but it was definitely something I couldn't identify. Ki Sun saw two before that just faded in and out. The one that I saw, disappeared and appeared somewhere completely different. Now I ask you, how do you expain that? It was of a gold color originally, changing from white to blue to a slight tint of red. It moved toward me, as to say that it was moving above me and I couldn't distinguish clearly the shape or the form. All I know from looking at this object is that the top was a some sort of circular shape. I also, from the advice of Sarah, noted the time (7pm) conditions (partly cloudy and dark) and the weather (68 degrees). And when I see it again, maybe I can form some kind of pattern as to when these things arrive in our neck of the woods. I wonder what that was. I wonder if it was anything! I'm sure it could have been seen on sattelite or something. It must have been. I saw something like this when I was 12 years old and was never able to explain it. Now that I see the same thing now, I start to want to know more about it. Hopefully I can figure out more as time progresses.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Past, Present, Future.

We all decide whether or not to accept the things we cannot change and to move on with our lives. Some of us can't. Some of us let the past control our future. To let go of something that isn't going to change, or can't change, except from what we do in the present is only as successful as the person who chooses not to use the past as a reference for future actions. There are so many of us out there like that. Such as having fears or phobias of something that happened in the past, even though the future result may be totally different than the first experienced one. Of course, I believe that we have the capability to psych ourselves out to make the second situation seem like the first one just to say, "well okay, now you see why I should avoid it, because I react this way toward it." I believe these fears can be controlled. It's all fear. Anxiety, depression, negative feelings about life is all based on fear. Why are we afraid of change? Why do we stay in our comfort zones? Because we are scared to step out of them. We are scared to make ourselves vulnerable to what lies ahead in this world. What lies ahead can't be as bad. If one is able to handle the worst of all possibilities, then no fear can come in the way of success. Training is what is needed to make this kind of achievement, however, and I believe that's what's holding most of us back in this world. Make the big step. Make your move. Don't wait for other people to do it first, or for you. Here's what I figure: If you have the worst possible situation happen to you and you feel okay, then you won't develop a fear of it happening, and the anxiety, depression, and whatever else that goes along with it will disappear subtly, out of your life. You will have no fear, but hope of what is to come in your life. Take it as it comes. Deal with what is dished out to you. That's all we have in this world, and our primary instincts is to deal with it the best way we know how. Let this be the best way. Let the way of "no worry" and "freedom of choice" set in so we can let a weight lift off our shoulders. We'll be okay no matter what happens. There's always things to do and places to see. It's like a breeze. Let your mind be like a wind passing by. Realize that sometimes people are bitches and come to terms with your skill. It's the way to go.

Saturday, November 12, 2005


How hard is it for people to understand what's going on around them? What about one of our 5 known senses? Hearing? What about that? What is wrong with hearing someone and then on top of that, actually listening and understanding the other person's position? Why is arrogance still so accepted in today's society? Why can't we just "get along"? Agree to disagree? Emotions always get involved for some reason though. I mean, I, of all people know that emotions do get involved in disagreements. There are also people who know that they are "losing" an argument because they don't have enough factual information to prove the point that they are trying to make, and take out their frustration by making a known personal attack on the person that they are arguing with just to shut them up and say, "Oh well I hit you where it hurt, so I win". It's not about winning or losing. Disagreements don't have to be arguments. Disagreements can just be about two people having a difference in opinion with valid resources to support such statements, but both would just rather lean towards one side than another. I wish all could be like this. But some, are not. Some know they aren't and don't want to change it. Others don't know that they are like this and don't have the opportunity to change. So I leave with a word of advice. Or a very long sentence, per say. Let disagreements happen. They're going to happen anyway, so why worry about it? Why stress about making your point when you know the person your fighting against won't open his mind enough to see other possibilities? What is so important to prove your point to someone who doesn't really give a "rats ass" either way? Leave it alone. Fight the fights that are worth fighting. Be open to others positions no matter how "narrow-minded" they might seem, and realize that you can believe how you believe and feel good about being more receptive. Consider the source. Be content with your knowledge and learn more to support it.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Pumpkin Carving and Random Pictures per request of SARAH!

And for the finale, the last and final pumpkin picture of the evening for us on Halloween. Thanks Sarah, VERY much for making me stay up and post all these pictures on my website. This blog is JUST FOR YOU!!!!!!!!! Just for mentioning it, I posted a bunch of random, but interesting pictures up. Got my spirits up a bit. It's good for me! Hey Mandy, Sarah also told me about you wanting to know about me. Nothin' new kiddo! Just me and my photography:-). I'm doin' just fine. Posted by Picasa

Simplicity can be so complex in this world. So amazing and uneventful. How to make something so simple, so intruiging? Posted by Picasa

I love the angles of this pictures. It really comes to terms with concepts related by Escher. Posted by Picasa

Just a weird ass one I felt like taking. Posted by Picasa

Up close and personal?! Posted by Picasa

Randomness makes life worthwhile. Posted by Picasa

Very nice pumpkin head, wouldn't you say? Posted by Picasa

The TV is talking to me. I am hearing it's evil nature. It says, "Turn me on, you know you want to". Posted by Picasa

My TV is uh, falling down on me. Posted by Picasa

Now how did I crawl under my coffee table to get this angle? Is it magic? Posted by Picasa

It's strange how a simple apartment can be so complex, eh? Posted by Picasa

I love this one. Posted by Picasa

Umm.. Posted by Picasa

Lazy ass. Posted by Picasa

My abstract photos on display. Posted by Picasa

Here is Ki Sun trying to make the same face that was his reference for his pumpkin carving. How did he do??? ("you did great, really honey, you did!" ha ha). Posted by Picasa

Cutsie cutsie cutsie baby. Posted by Picasa

More of his cuteness on displayage. Posted by Picasa

Ki Sun happy to hold his FIRST, mind you VERY FIRST pumpkin that he made "all by himself:-)" He's such a cute little baby. Posted by Picasa

A black and white picture. Posted by Picasa

A light angled picture. Posted by Picasa